I was not born a runner and did not run in school. I was a pole vaulter, and not a good one either since I have a small fear of falling, so the most I ran was 65 steps. The Marine Corps sucked the fun out of running for me because your career dangled from how fast you could run three miles. It was not till my mid to late twenties that I started running long distances and I have never stuck to a training plan. So want makes my wife and I so different? I call it the light switch or in the military we refer to the pain cave.
We all have a light switch but the dimming capacity varies drastically from person to person. Don’t believe me? Think back to the last time you stubbed your pinkie toe on a door frame or couch. You probably screamed every profane phrase you have ever learned and limped around the house for the rest of the day. That was an unexpected pain and you focused on it because you had no immediate goal or task at hand that needed to be completed. Your dimming switch was on a very low setting. Now think about the last time you were playing a sport or having to move out of a house and you were either hit in the face, had your finger jammed or smashed, or got cut. You were able to push past the pain because the task at hand had greater importance. Your dimmer switch was set on high.
So how can you better develop you light switch? One method is time on your feet. If you have ever worked in retail then you know what I am talking about. Ten hours on your feet without sitting down will definitely drain you. This is a great way to condition for a long race. Another is the age old method of adding a little more distance each week you go out for a run. The distance can be measured in both total distance covered or the distance of running without stopping to walk. Finally, add a load, such as a pack or weighted vest, or supplement walking for power hiking. Both of these methods will help push you out of your comfort zone and will help you realize you are capable of much more than you thought.
I don’t think we can ever reprogram our light switch to be able to walk off a stubbed pinkie toe with dignity but we can program ourselves to understand and accept discomfort when trying to complete a task. I would love to hear how you deal with pain and discomfort while competing or training! Leave a comment below
If the goal is to become comfortable with being uncomfortable, then it will take a lifetime. Ultra Flunkie
If you would like to learn more about running, have specific questions, or are interesting in coaching for your next race, please visit www.ultraflunkierunningco.com
If you would like to learn more about running, have specific questions, or are interesting in coaching for your next race, please visit www.ultraflunkierunningco.com
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